
PHP interface for the Highcharts JavaScript charting library

View the Project on GitHub catchamonkey/phighcharts

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A PHP (Requires PHP 5.3) library for the Highcharts JavaScript charting library

What does it do?

Along with providing a nice OO interface to create your charts, it also extends the functionality by adding such useful tools as "Sticky Keys"

Sticky Keys

A sticky key, is a configuration option that allows you to always use the same colour for certain keys. For example, you may want to always use green for apples when charting apples vs oranges.

Example Pie Chart


    use Phighchart\Chart;
    use Phighchart\Options\Container;
    use Phighchart\Options\ExtendedContainer;
    use Phighchart\Data;
    use Phighchart\Renderer\Pie;
    use Phighchart\Renderer\Line;

    $extOptions = new ExtendedContainer();
    $extOptions->setStickyColour('apples', '#629632');
    $extOptions->setStickyColour('oranges', '#CD3700');

    $options = new Container('chart');

    $titleOptions = new Container('title');
    $titleOptions->setText('Monthly Details');

    $data = new Data();
        ->addCount('Apples', 32)
        ->addCount('Oranges', 68)
        ->addSeries('Apples', array(
            '2012-05-01' => 12,
            '2012-05-02' => 3,
            '2012-05-03' => 33
        ->addSeries('Oranges', array(
            '2012-05-01' => 32,
            '2012-05-02' => 36,
            '2012-05-03' => 18

    // put it all together
    $chart  = new Chart();
        ->setRenderer(new Pie());

    // a line chart is similiar, and our data container holds series data for this
    $lineChart = clone $chart;
    $options = new Container('chart');
    $lineChart->addOptions($options)->setRenderer(new Line());

    // and render in the template
    // or to change the element rendered
    // $chart->renderContainer('span');

    // and for the line

Unit Tests

You can run the Unit Test suite with;

phpunit -c tests/ .